
Hardly any »wow effect« in downtown Steyr

Hardly any »wow effect« in downtown Steyr

…by that I also mean Enge and Grünmarkt, I noticed the beautifully designed displays of all shops. Sometimes I even stopped to admire them more closely. All of this reminded me of my childhood, youth and school days in Steyr about 65 years ago, when I bought my clothes, shoes, ski equipment and much more at the town square. This year’s “Punschstandln” weren’t really on my path, because I found their arrangement to be more of a mess. The “Tingeltangel” on the promenade didn’t attract me either.

But what struck me during my pre-Christmas walks across the town square: it was almost always deserted. It used to be a joy to stroll around the town square. I met schoolmates, neighbors, old friends, and even a few politicians who still had time to exchange a few words with their constituents.

The supermarkets and trading centers from “HEY” to “City Point” are located just outside the city center, but not yet on the outskirts. I wonder, do these attract all the Steyrers and the guests? But it doesn’t “play” there either! You won’t find any really quality goods, but facilities for eating and drinking.

The current “wow effect” of the Steyr merchants is characterized by: closure or relocation of at least 25 shops on the town square, constant change of shops in the shopping centers, no consumer-friendly parking lot management, no public and interesting arts and crafts presentations. Expensive bratwurst, punch and schnapps alone are not enough. Therefore redesign of the traffic, the parking lot management in cooperation with all merchants on the town square! Steyr must remain a friendly, interesting, romantic, medieval town!

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Source: Nachrichten

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