
Is it possible to “neutralize” Hitler’s birthplace?

Is it possible to “neutralize” Hitler’s birthplace?

The media are again reporting on a delay in the conversion of Hitler’s birthplace in Braunau am Inn, which has made it more expensive. The planned conversion is not only problematic because of the increase in costs from originally five to twenty million euros, it is also questionable what would change with the police in Hitler’s house on the stigma of the city of Braunau am Inn. The concept of “neutralization” presented by the then Interior Minister Karl Nehammer in June 2020 was rejected by all sides and only caused shakes of the head worldwide. If the conversion actually begins in the autumn of this year, as announced, another wave of reports harmful to the town of Braunau am Inn can be expected.

However, the “House of Responsibility” project, which was developed in February 2000 as part of the “Braunau sets a sign” initiative, is becoming increasingly popular. Prominent supporters include Oscar winner Branko Lustig and Nobel Prize winner Anton Zeilinger.

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Source: Nachrichten

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