
party funding

party funding

…this will be increased by 8.49 percent to 34.5 million euros for 2023 due to inflation. In contrast, pensions increased by only 5.8 percent. This shows once again how important pensioners are. In my view, inflation is the same for everyone. Some are hit harder by inflation, that’s definitely the pensioners, others are less hit. The parties or their deputies have determined the respective increases in funding themselves on the basis of the laws they have passed. The pensioners, on the other hand, were “cheaply fobbed off” as every year and have to see whether and how they can make ends meet with the high inflation.

The price increase for the mini shopping basket (weekly shopping) is 19.9 percent. This means that pensioners do not receive an increase adjusted for inflation, but in turn have a reduction in the purchasing power of their pensions. It is high time that the way pensions are calculated is changed so that more pensioners do not fall below the poverty line.

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Source: Nachrichten

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