
Families: Cornerstones for basic child security are in place

Families: Cornerstones for basic child security are in place

Many children in Germany live in poverty. Family Minister Paus is now presenting a key issues paper that bundles services. The aim is to support more families.

Federal Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) has presented key points for the basic child protection planned by the traffic light. As a ministry spokesman confirmed, a corresponding paper was sent to the other ministries for further coordination. The “Wirtschaftswoche” had first reported on it.

Basic child security is one of the central socio-political projects of the coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP. Various services from child benefit to child supplement to financial support for school trips and leisure time are to be bundled in it. Many families have so far not applied for benefits due to ignorance or bureaucratic hurdles.

The cornerstones available to the “Wirtschaftswoche” provide “not only to increase the level of performance, but also to reach more families and their children who need support”. It is said that simplified access and a digital design of the application and approval process should achieve “high utilization”. In the Ministry, the principle is also described as follows: the previous debt of the citizens is a debt of the state.

The key points presented are the basis for a draft law that must now be drawn up. Family Minister Paus had announced this for the autumn. In 2025, families and their children should benefit from the new basic child security for the first time.

Source: Stern

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