
Other than the octopus Paul: the otter that predicted the victory of Japan against Germany

Other than the octopus Paul: the otter that predicted the victory of Japan against Germany

As Paul the octopus did in his time, taiyo he took a small ball in his paws and deposited it in the bucket corresponding to the Japanese.

“Are you accepting delicious bribes behind the scenes?” wrote one user in a tweet showing the prediction, a sign of the disbelief that prevailed before the match between the two teams. Now, the post was filled with surprise comments because he was able to anticipate how this story would end. The dynamic was published by the Sankei media a day before the game. According to the description, “Taiyo” is a male otter from Maxell Aqua Park Shinagawa, an aquarium set up inside a hotel in Minato, Tokyo.., contributed La Nación.

Taiyo was accompanied by an employee of the aquarium, named Naoki Takamura, who also expressed his desire to see a victory for the Japanese team this Wednesday in Qatar. “I want to believe in victory. I want Japan to come together as a team and defeat Germany, ”he told the same outlet.

The animal went first to the red bucket that had the German flag on it, but before throwing the ball, it turned around and changed its decision, throwing it into the blue bucket.

Source: Ambito

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