The tycoon shared which books have helped him the most to make his company successful.
Jeff Bezos He is one of the richest people in the world. To achieve your success by being co-founder of Amazon He had several difficulties along the way that have taught him lessons to become who he is today.
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Over the years, in several interviews, the mogul has confessed some interest in specific books. These have helped him turn his company into one of the most important in the world.
5 books recommended by Jeff Bezos
1. The Innovator’s Dilemma – Clayton M. Christensen
This work that explores how large and successful companies can lose relevance by not adapting to disruptive innovations. According to Bezos, this book gave him the opportunity to create services such as Kindle and Amazon Web Services (AWS). The book teaches how important it is to anticipate the needs of the market and consumers.
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2. Sam Walton: Made in America – Sam Walton
This free is a autobiography of Walmart founder. It exposes a business philosophy based on commitment and willingness to take risks. The author recounts the beginnings that led him to create one of the largest retail chains in the world. Walton emphasizes the value of Try new ideas and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
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3. Data-Driven Marketing – Mark Jeffery
This book explores how important it is to use metrics and data to make effective marketing decisions.
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4. Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies – Jim Collins and Jerry Porras
This book analyzes the factors behind the lasting success of companies such as disney and Walmarthighlighting how important it is to have clear objectives and a central mission that inspires employees.
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5. ‘Creation: Life and How to Make It’ – Steve Grand
This book explains the creation of intelligent systems from basic blocks, and Grand uses his artificial life simulator video game as an example. Creatures.
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Source: Ambito
I’m a recent graduate of the University of Missouri with a degree in journalism. I started working as a news reporter for 24 Hours World about two years ago, and I’ve been writing articles ever since. My main focus is automotive news, but I’ve also written about politics, lifestyle, and entertainment.