Ricardo Gareca underwent a DNA test to determine if he has another daughter

Ricardo Gareca underwent a DNA test to determine if he has another daughter

The Argentine coach Ricardo Gareca, Currently in charge of the Chilean National Team, a DNA test was carried out this Friday in Buenos Aires to determine if he is the father of a woman named Mary Delgado, who had requested proof of identity.

The ex-footballer spoke with the press after undergoing these tests. “I was present, she was not. That’s the only thing I can say, nothing more. You know that I have commitments there in Santiago de Chile,” he stated.

In dialogue with a mobile America TVthe “Tigre” acknowledged that the paternity claim took him by surprise: “I had no advance notice of anything. Imagine this apparently happened 40 years ago. “I was always a public person.”

Regarding Mary Delgado’s mother, Gareca assured: “I don’t know anything about this because I was single. If this turns out to be positive we will see. “They are two adults.”

Finally, before getting into his vehicle, the former player of Boca, River and the Argentine National Team reflected: “I never had problems with anyone. I simply would have liked this to take another private course. I am a public person who has a family , who has children, grandchildren. I would have liked this to be handled differently. My family is aware of everything, I don’t hide anything. It appeared 40 years later. They summoned me and I don’t have any problems. “It happens that I live in Chile and today a date was set when I can be there.”

This is not the first time he has gone through a situation of this type.

It is not the first time that Gareca faces a situation of these characteristics, since in 2021 he revealed that he had a daughter out of wedlock, although that time it ended with a different outcome.

It is a particular story, It’s the first time I tell it. It was in 2013, when 30 years had already passed. It was something incredible. It was a barbaric professional moment of mine in every aspect and out of nowhere a daughter appears,” he explained in dialogue with Urban Play.

Around that time, his daughter Fiorella contacted her eldest son to reach an agreement. “It was a contact between her and my oldest son, Milton, through the networks. They hung out, talked, and came to the conclusion that I was probably his father. And it turned out to be that way. I had no knowledge of anything. A whole life passed, me with grandchildren”, he detailed.

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Although he said that the news had an impact on his family, “Tigre” highlighted the support of his wife and children. “It was hard, It was a hard, complicated stage of my life, in which I had the understanding of my wife, to whom I am eternally grateful. I banked in very complicated, very difficult moments. I I needed to go abroad, it was there that I was in Palmeiras. It didn’t go well for me, but I didn’t It was good to make decisions. but i I needed to work and I went abroad,” the DT pointed out.

It was a strong story, but today we are family. She is totally incorporated, integrated. It was meeting another adult and integrating them quickly. “I had the support of my family, my wife and my children.”Gareca concluded, while finishing off: “You touched on the subject, but I’m not going to talk about it with anyone anymore. I don’t want to make a novel out of this. “I dedicate myself to football, I don’t talk about my private life.”.

Source: Ambito

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