Available on Netflix, this Scandinavian series stands out for its mix of genres and a narrative development that captivates from beginning to end.
Netflix continues to offer productions that surprise its users with stories that transcend borders. One of its latest bets is a Nordic series that combines drama, humor and deep emotions in just six episodes.
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Based on a renowned novel, this Swedish miniseries invites you to reflect on human connections, secrets and unexpected twists of fate. Below are the details of this production that does not go unnoticed.

Netflix: what Anxious People is about
This series is inspired by the work of the Swedish author Fredrik Backman and presents a plot that, although it begins with a bank robbery, takes unexpected directions. The story begins when a thiefin a failed attempt to escape, takes a group of people hostage who were visiting an apartment for sale. However, the criminal mysteriously disappears and leaves those involved in a situation that transforms the initial fear into an eye-opening experience.
Beyond the incident, the characters begin to build bonds in a context that could seem tense. What at first seems like a traditional thriller becomes an exploration of life, human relationships and How circumstances can bring people together that they would never have crossed.
With a balance between emotional moments and humorous situations, the Swedish production is distinguished by the development of its characters and the stories that each one contributes to the general narrative. His approach makes viewers feel identified with the emotions and dilemmas faced by the protagonists.
Trailer for Anxious People, Swedish series available on Netflix
Embed – Anxious People Trailer (2021) SUBTITLED [HD] Anxious People (Netflix)
Netflix: cast of Anxious People
- Carla Sehn.
- Sascha Zacharias.
- Alfred Svensson.
- Dan Ekborg.
- Petrina Solange.
- Marika Lagercrantz.
- Leif Andrée.
- Anna Granath.
- Per Andersson.
- Lottie Ejebrant.
- Sofia Ledarp.
Source: Ambito

I’m a recent graduate of the University of Missouri with a degree in journalism. I started working as a news reporter for 24 Hours World about two years ago, and I’ve been writing articles ever since. My main focus is automotive news, but I’ve also written about politics, lifestyle, and entertainment.