A corporate mobility venture created by a former Toyota expects to bill US$30 million this year

A corporate mobility venture created by a former Toyota expects to bill US million this year

Among the companies with which he has worked or works are: YPF, Danone, Syngenta, Pfizer, Walmart, Burger King, General Motors and Farmacityamong others.

Before, between 1998 and 2005, he served as Head of Lending for the bank HSBC Argentina and then as vice president of the same entity in the New York branch. Between 2005 and 2012 he held the position of Head of Commercial Management, Sales and Marketing of Toyota CFA.

Currently, your company manages 15,000 vehicles in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Colombia and has a team of more than 120 workers.

It comes from achieving a turnover of US$23 million in 2024. And now it is proposed to double the bet: announced an action plan for 2025 that includes an investment of US$20 million aimed at technological innovation, regional consolidation and sustainable mobility solutions.

Based on this roadmap, Arturo Simone plans increase the company’s income by 30% this yearreaching the goal of US$30 million annually.

“We have achieved notable expansion in the region thanks to our focus on provide comprehensive solutionscovering maintenance, insurance and violation management, all under a fixed monthly cost“Simone explained to Scope about the business model of the company that earned him to be considered an entrepreneur Endeavor in 2018.

How the RDA Mobility business model works

The mechanism is as follows: RDA buy the vehicles according to the specifications agreed with clients and delivered for use through 3 or 4 year contracts.

These contracts include unit maintenance services, assistance services, claims management, renewal of driver and unit documentation, telemetry services, unit repairs and more. And the company charges a monthly fee for each unit as a service contract and at the end of the contract period, the customer rThe vehicle is returned and a new one is delivered..

This system, called rentingworks like a long-term rental contract for a movable asset that is paid through monthly installments. The leasing company, in this case RDA, is the owner of the property and is responsible for administrative and maintenance expenses.

Operate as an alternative to purchasing of an asset, since it allows you to dispose of it without having to assume the associated expenses. And unlike the leasingin which the user can buy the good at the end of the contract, in the renting that option is not there.

A differential that helped the success of Simone’s venture was the incorporation of technology to optimize service results. Among other things, it incorporates the telemetry that allows companies to know how employees drive, making safety systems scoring to reward the best drivers. It also allows you to take proactive maintenance actionshelping to reduce costs and avoid road accidents.

In that sense, one of the most notable projects for the year is the launch of Mirai Fleeta new application that will be key in the company’s technological strategy and is designed to optimize fleet management through artificial intelligence and big data.

“This technological advance will allow client companies to optimize costs, monitor their environmental impact and improve operational efficiency”adds the company’s CEO.

On the other hand, RDA operates throughout the mobility value chain, providing efficiency and accurate information to the workshops that repair and maintain the units, to automotive terminals, insurance companies and companies with their drivers.

What are the environmental and sustainability objectives

Additionally, the company proposes achieve environmental and sustainability goalsand also offers itself as an organizational model to imitate, positioning itself as benchmark in sustainable mobility solutions.

For this, it exhibits an operation format that meets all the requirements, taking care of the environment, earning money and having a social purpose for the community.

In this context, Simone highlighted several advances that the company recorded at the end of 2024, such as the opening of operations in Chilithe issuance of Negotiable Obligations (ON and financial trusts) and the implementation of new guidelines in operational teams.

“The year ends with very positive results, since we exceed expectations In almost all areas, even in those where we did not exceed the goals, we achieved lay the foundation to move forward immediately,” he explained.

In addition, the company already has large corporate clients that operate in the four countries where they have offices, which facilitates the ability to provide comprehensive and scalable solutionsoptimizing costs and resources.

Simone also highlights that of the total number of employees, 50% of the payroll corresponds to womenwith an average age of less than 30 years. And he comments that the board is also divided equally between both genders.

Source: Ambito

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