Misiones: rejection of border merchants to the possible militarization of limits with Brazil

Misiones: rejection of border merchants to the possible militarization of limits with Brazil

In the middle of the controversy due to the placement of a spike wire between the town of Aguas Blancas and Bolivia, Now the Nation Ministry of Security studies sending personnel from the Armed Forces to guard the edges shared with Brazil.

Rejection of border merchants to measure

Anoticist of the situation, the president of the Chamber of Commerce of the town of Bernardo de Irigoyen, Walter FeldmanHe warned that the measure would affect the cultural and economic dynamics of the border with Brazil.

Feldman said that the situation in Irigoyen is different from that of other borders in the country and that trade does not depend on large volumes of illegal merchandise, but on the daily transit of people.

“Here the main impact is cultural, because the border movement does not compare with that of Bolivia, where loads are seen passing from one side to the other. Here people cross with a bag in hand, it is more a small -scale tourist and commercial exchange, ” He explained to FM Open 101.7 of Posadas.

The leader remarked that investments were made to promote integration between the two border cities and that the new government security approach contradicts these policies.

Patricia Bullrich Triple Frontera.jpg

Patricia Bullrich, in Misiones, during the inauguration of the Criminal Intelligence Analysis Center. File photo.

“Different governments have created an international environmental tourism park, where people can walk and exercise without going through migrations. It makes no sense that you want to put a barrier to avoid that traffic ”, held.

While Feldman agreed on the need to reinforce controls in clandestine steps used to smuggle merchandise in trucks, he questioned that the national government has not consulted local actors before making the decision. “They have no idea how the border is handled on a day -to -day basis. PRimero should analyze the situation and improve infrastructure, because the current border crossing is not suitable for the number of vehicles and people who travel ”, Indian.

Nation evaluates sending military to the border with Brazil

In the last hours it was known that, as happened in Salta, Nation designs measures for the triple border. Among them, it considers the possibility of deploying personnel from the Armed Forces to reinforce the controls.

The objective was added to the construction of a 200 -meter siege in the passage between Aguas Blancas (Salta) and Bermejo, which will prevent the entry of foreigners through the province, and the determination to limit accesses from the province of Misiones to the countries to the countries bordering on the presence of gendarmerie, prefecture, Federal Police and Airport Security.

“We are going to control the borders with the security forces and we are evaluating the possibility of including the Armed Forces”he revealed to the Argentine News Agency a high source in charge of the operation of the operation.

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That is what the Ministries of Defense work, by Luis Petri, and the security that Bullrich leads, which will polish the details at a work table in which they will determine the number of troops they will send and the strategic places in which to disembark.

Protected by the repeal of Decree 727/2006, regulatory of the Defense Law, and in the sanction of Decree 1112/2024, they are shielding that the Armed Forces are enabled to act at the borders.

According to the letter, they will be able to perform “operational training activities, provide logistical support to the internal security system, carry out community support actions and provide assistance to natural catastrophes or emergencies.”

The idea of ​​both wallets is to increase the sending of troops, but also implement the technology use that allows to increase vigilance and for that, they will use a dowry downtown that were bought during the presidency of Mauricio Macri.

“We have Gendarmerie, permanent patrol and we need this technology to guard not only the triple border with Brazil, but areas such as Bernardo de Irigoyen, where the city is fully integrated, and Salvador Mazza, where we are doing a comprehensive plan”Bullrich detailed.

“This year we will have the entire border watched as we want. Hopefully they would not have destroyed the border system we had in 2018,” he concluded.

Source: Ambito

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