Quiz to traffic: Would you exist with this question?

Quiz to traffic: Would you exist with this question?

Traffic knowledge
Quiz: How well do you know the traffic signs? Who has right of way here?

Who can drive at the constriction first? Does free trace apply when turning? Show how fit you are on traffic and take part in our traffic quiz.

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When did you get your driver’s license? For many participants in German road traffic, this time was sometimes decades – driving a car no longer happens analytically, but intuitive. Priority, turning, threading are just a few of the traffic rules that car, engine and cyclists have to consider in road traffic.

Those who are allowed to drive first can often lead to uncertainties at narrow points or intersections. Turning may also appear easy at first glance, but requires a sharp eye and quick thinking. Depending on whether you turn left or right and the order can vary depending on the specific traffic rules and signs. Good communication with other road users through flashing and ads in good time is crucial.

Another challenge in road traffic is threading, especially if the road is narrowed. Here it is important to understand the so -called zipper process, in which the drivers alternately classify themselves in the same lane. Blinking signs and an eye on the dead corner are essential to ensure a safe and accident -free journey.

Finally, interaction with pedestrians is an important aspect for safe driving. Particular attention is paid for pedestrian crossings, traffic lights and intersections. Understanding of the right of way and the knowledge of how to react in different situations is decisive for the safety of all road users.

Understanding the traffic rules, in particular the right of way, is a crucial factor for secure participation in road traffic. Every sign, every light signal must be recognized and understood. They help regulate the flow of traffic and avoid collisions.

These and other traffic rules and scenarios are the subject of the following quiz ‘. Test your knowledge and show how fit you are in dealing with the requirements of road traffic!

Source: Stern

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