Driving license withdrawal: After these offenses, the rag is finally gone

Driving license withdrawal: After these offenses, the rag is finally gone

Road traffic
Lifelong driver’s license withdrawal: the rag is gone during these offenses

Germany is considered forgiving when it comes to fines and driving bans. But a driver’s license can also be withdrawn in life in certain cases.

There are many ways to collect a ban on driving or even a withdrawal of the driving license. Even if the local traffic law is considered comparatively indulgent, there are only a small fine with certain violations. However, you have to differentiate between a driving ban and the withdrawal of the driver’s license.

The driving ban is limited in time and ends automatically after the expiry – you get the driver’s license back without further requirements. Such a penalty threatens, for example, with a higher speed crossing, a red light violation or a violation of the alcohol boundaries.

Difference between driving ban and withdrawal of the driver’s license

Depending on the severity of the punishment, a ban between one and six months applies. The first offenders can even choose to a limited extent when they want to hand in the rag at the responsible fine. If it is not the first driving ban, this freedom is no longer available.


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The removal of the driver’s license is far more drastically more drastical. Because here the authorization to run a motor vehicle expires permanently. After the blocking period has expired, the driver’s license must be requested in this case-and possibly also passed a medical-psychological examination (MPU). The costs can be well over 2000 euros – without the fine for the actual punishment.

The reasons for the withdrawal are listed in paragraph 69, Criminal Code (StGB) – but they are not surprising. The driver’s license can be withdrawn by a court if the crime is related to alcohol, drugs, illegal car racing, escape or danger to road traffic.

When does lifelong withdrawal of the driver’s license threaten?

Paragraph 69a (1) of the Criminal Code also describes the possibility of depriving the driver’s license for life. Then no more MPU helps. It says: “The lock can be arranged forever if it can be expected that the legal period for the defense against the danger threatening the perpetrator is not sufficient. If the perpetrator has no driver’s license, only the lock is ordered.”

But when does the court reach for this drastic and final measure? The “” writes that the lifelong driver’s license withdrawal, for example, can be imposed if existing blocking periods, repeated drunkenness at the wheel or serious behavioral problems. Criminal offenses in which the car is used as a weapon or aid are therefore the reason for the permanent withdrawal.

In addition, there are medical reasons for which a court concludes that physical or psychological circumstances make it impossible to carry a vehicle.

Source: Stern

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