What can happen to the prices of cars used by the drop in the 0km

What can happen to the prices of cars used by the drop in the 0km

The automotive market closes January with important changes in tax matters. As of February, the internal tax is modified and the extrazone import tariff for hybrid and electrical vehicles is eliminated.

Photo: Digital analysis

Febrile days are lived in the car market for the Price rear which is generating the decline in the internal tax. The measure reaches a certain segment of 0km models, but can have an impact on the rest of the range by the “waterfall effect.” Not only that. It can also generate changes in the market of used carssince the price of these vehicles is aligned with the new equivalent models.

The Secretary of the Chamber of Automotive Commerce, Alejandro Lamas, He considered that the measure can generate some impact on second -hand models “The measure is important, but you have to take it easy. The 0km range that will benefit from tax decline, is representing today, approximately 9% of total sales. The first thing to expect is to see the commercial policy of each factory to see what is the discount that applies to these models. We know that, obviously, there will be a decrease, but we still don’t have the magnitude of those sales. From having the new price scheme, you can have a certain idea of ​​what can happen with the used cars, ”he said.

In any case, he anticipated what the effect on the prices of used vehicles would newer of those models. For example, if a new Hyundai Tucson that costs about $ 68,000, they apply a discount and remains between $ 57,000 and $ 59,000, it is an important reduction. The one who has an ESO vehicle, model 2023 or 2022, even 2021, will be affected. How much? That is what you have to expect. The same will happen with brands such as Jeep or others that have several models that pay today the tax. But let’s imagine this scenario, like a pyramid, where this 9% of cars is above, to those who take the tax and lower price. The cars that are in the middle, the price will be compressed and those under everything will not have modifications. Let’s take Fiat that, I think, he has no model with the tax. Is a 2021 chronos down the price? The truth, I don’t know. It seems to me not. At least that everything is attributed so that it can affect a little. ”

This tax change occurs with sales expectations of the rising sector for this year are optimistic. The automotive terminals estimate that in 2025 there will be a growth of the activity. Thus they let the government know during a meeting, with the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo. that they kept at the end of the year and where they made a balance

The authorities of the Association of Automotive Factories (ADEFA) They met with the official, to highlight the performance of the automotive sector during 2024.

“In this meeting, both the results obtained in the year were addressed for the impact of the measures implemented, such as the perspectives, opportunities and challenges that are presented in the medium and long term in a context of technological transformation and structural change within the industry “Adefa reported in a statement.

The meeting was held at the Ministry of Economy with the participation of the main managers of the entity chaired by Martín Zuppi and representatives of the automotive terminals.

During the meeting, Minister Caputo and the Secretary of Production Coordination, Pablo Lavigne, received a detailed report on the sector balance that closes the 2024 better than was projected at the beginning of the year.

In this regard, Zuppi stressed that “as a result of the joint work that was faced with the government with a series of measures such as the Breop Improve your performance and raise the volumes projected at the start of the year. “

With a strategic agenda, the first projections for 2025 are optimistic.

“In a first scenario, all indicators of the main variables show growth in relation to 2024 and clearly that behavior can be enhanced by measures that are being worked on,” said the head of ADEFA.

The base scenario shows that you can reach 545,000 production units (+7/9%); 324,000 export (+8%); and an internal market of approximately 500,000 units with growth of more than 12% compared to 2024.

Source: Ambito

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