Unemployment: subsidy orders accelerated in 2024 and exceeded 174,000 highs, what can happen forward?

Unemployment: subsidy orders accelerated in 2024 and exceeded 174,000 highs, what can happen forward?

The National Social Security Administration (ANSES) granted 174,408 unemployment insurance In 2024, in the middle of the deep recessionwith a Economy collapse of 5.1% in the first quarter of the year. This situation caused, in turn, an unemployment peak similar to the output of the pandemic. Anyway, towards the second semester the economy rebounded slightly, although it is expected to end the year with a red around 3%, according to private estimates.

However, the unemployment insurance delivered in 2024 a 30% last year, compared to 2023, since 132,731 of these benefits had been granted, according to ANSES data. Although, there are also versions that the high 2023 were lower, close to 108,942, which would show a 60% leap in subsidy orders during the past year. Faced with 2022, orders doubled, since about 86,294 insurance had been deliveredaccording to official figures.

The Unemployment insurance They are explained by the Strong increase in the unemployment index in 2024that in the first quarter it played a maximum of 7.7%according to him National Institute of Statistics and Census (INDEC). At that time, they were estimated that they were some 150,000 employed less that in the same quarter of 2023, he indicated a measurement of Daniel Schteingart, Director of Productive Planning at Fundar.

Unemployment benefits in December

The Government expects that in this 2025 unemployment applications come down, from the hand of the long -awaited economic rebound with the arrival of investments and credit growth. Is that, despite the First quarter unemployment index peakin the following periods, slight decelerations began to be observed. Such is so, in December 2024 This benefit was recorded 102,603 people, that charge on average near $ 215,000well below the minimum, vital and mobile salary, which in December reached the $ 279,718.

Now, The benefit is equivalent to 75% of the net amount of the best monthly remunerationnormal and usual of the worker in the six months prior to the cessation of the employment contract. State aid has minimal and maximum amounts determined based on the minimum vital and mobile salary (SMVM) in force.

  • Minimum amount: The monthly benefit will never be less than 50% of the SMVM.
  • Maximum amount: cannot exceed 100% of the SMVM.

In the third quarter of 2024, the unemployment was 6.9%figure that implied a decrease compared to the previous quarter, but was located above the 2023 data. The annual comparison, the unemployment rate amounted to 1.2 pp, from 5.7% to 6.9%while in the intertrmetral it presented a decrease of 0.7 pp (from 7.6% to 6.9%).

Labor market in 2025

In 2024, there was a Destruction of registered positions at the expense of a greater participation of Own account and unregistered workers. This generates, in turn, a drop in the average income of households and greater inequality among workers.

Therefore, from the CP consultancy they emphasized that “If the recovery of the activity generates little registered employment, the effects will last and delineate some of the most negative structural aspects of the current economic process: inequality

In addition, they warned that past the positive effects of disinflation, From high levelsthe salary anchor, as well as the distributive changes, of the employment pattern and the fiscal policy, “paint a scenario for 2025 with recovery speeds (of wages) far from those evidenced in the 2nd semester.”

Unemployment provision

The provision of unemployment for dismissal without just cause It is paid temporarily by termination of contract or for external causes to the worker who was in a dependency relationship included in the law 24,013 of employment contract. Simultaneously with this insurance, that It is charged for up to 12 monthsfamily assignments can also be perceived and the coverage of the social work to which they are affiliated is continued. Besides, The months of the collection of the benefit is computed as an antiquity for retirement or pension.

A requirement to collect this benefit is to have had at least six months of work with contributions in the last 3 years prior to the dismissal or termination of the contract. In the case of eventual workers, the requirement is to have worked less than 12 months in the last 3 years and more than 90 days in the last year, before the completion of the work.

Source: Ambito

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