
New forecasting tool shows when saving electricity is particularly effective

New forecasting tool shows when saving electricity is particularly effective

In winter, consumption peaks are to be expected from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., according to Renewable Energy Austria. The tool tries to identify those peak times and periods in which the production of renewables falls due to the weather for the following day.

At these times of the day, the production of renewables cannot be increased in line with the increased consumption. Therefore, production has to be ramped up in gas power plants, which have recently been extremely expensive and harmful to the environment.

According to the broadcast from Renewable Energy Austria on Wednesday, consumers should be motivated to adjust their consumption profile accordingly. Simply shifting energy-intensive activities such as ironing, washing and drying laundry and the like to other times of the day can relieve the power grid during peak load hours. What is particularly needed here is the help of private households and small and medium-sized companies that can flexibly adapt their energy requirements.

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Source: Nachrichten

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