
How much does a family have to earn to be middle class in Buenos Aires?

How much does a family have to earn to be middle class in Buenos Aires?

The inflation that Argentina suffers directly hits the pocket of the Argentine citizen. It does not give respite, it does not allow to recover lost ground and the average salary is not enough to cover the basic needs of a typical family.

Faced with this situation, the Statistics and Census Directorates porteña made a consumer basket valuation report and noted that a family made up of two adults and two minors needed at least $269,056 to be considered middle class.

An important fact is that the figure includes people who have a property and not those who depend on rent to live.

In this case, the amount would be larger since, according to the site zoneprop, the cost of renting a three-room apartment in the Federal Capital would be around $144,000.

Likewise, the poverty line in February was located at $175,080. Above that monthly income and up to $215,244the family is considered in the category “not poor vulnerable”while an income of up to $269.055 places it in the “fragile medium sector” segment, adds La Nación.

On the other hand, and far from the recently mentioned reality, families with an income higher than $860,978 are considered within the “well-to-do sector”.

This segmentation is based on the income basket valuation report in the Buenos aires city. According to these data, the food basket became more expensive 9.3% in Februaryand was located at $98,816. At the same time, the interannual variation of this basket was 108.6%. In other words, that family needed in February of this year $51,138 more than a year ago to buy that same basket of basic food for subsistence.

In turn, the total basic food basket was located in February at $175,080 for the same household of two adults and two minors, with an increase of 7.2%. Compared to February 2022, the rise was 105.3%, and costs $89,821 more than a year ago.

The increase in the cost of living was reflected in the 6% variation reflected in the Index of Consumer Pricesor disseminated by the Buenos Aires statistical entity in the month. Thus, interannual inflation in the Federal Capital exceeded three digits and stood at 103.1%.

Source: Ambito

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