
They declare in Córdoba the state of agricultural disaster due to the drought

They declare in Córdoba the state of agricultural disaster due to the drought

He The Ministry of Economy declared this Friday a state of emergency and/or agricultural disaster in the province of Córdobaas a result of the drought. The measure reaches agricultural, forestry and fruit and vegetable farms of that district and extends from January 1 to June 30 of this year, according to Resolution 290/2023, published this Friday in the Official Gazette.

Also included in the statement were livestock farms, tamberas and beekeepingbut in this case the decision will extend until December 31, 2023.

The Palacio de Hacienda determined that June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2023 are the end dates of the production cycle for the affected farms of the areas declared in emergency and/or agricultural disaster.

In order to qualify for the benefits of Law No. 26,509 on agricultural emergency The affected producers must present a certificate issued by the competent authority of the province, in which certify that their properties or exploitations are included in the foreseen cases.

For their part, the national, official or mixed banking institutions and the AFIP will arbitrate the media necessary for producers to enjoy the benefits provided for in that Law.

In this way, the Ministry of Economy approved a provincial decree emergency and agricultural disaster for producers affected by drought.

He Government of Córdoba decreed a state of emergency and/or agricultural disaster to an area of ​​more than 800,000 hectareswhich comprises the south of the department of San Justo, north of Marcos Juárez and Unión and northwest of General San Martín.

The agricultural emergency includes the affectation of 50% to 80% in the production of an agricultural establishmentwhile the agricultural disaster is for those farms where the affected area exceeds 80%.

In the event of an agricultural emergency, the benefits for producers contemplate the deferral of provincial and national taxes, while the disaster provides for the exemption of taxes.

Source: Ambito

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