If the fight is individual positioning, I prefer to look from the side

If the fight is individual positioning, I prefer to look from the side

The Minister of Economy questioned the public disputes around the presidential candidacies. “This of putting in a primary if the government has differences seems to me a very serious mistake, because it generates uncertainty for the people,” he warned.

The Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, participated this Tuesday in a business meeting convened by the Argentine-American Chamber amcham, where he questioned the public disputes in the Frente de Todos around the candidacies ahead of the elections. When asked about a possible presidential run, he was blunt: “If the fight is about individual positioning, I prefer to look from the side.”

During the interview conducted this afternoon, within the framework of the celebration of the bicentennial of diplomatic relations between Argentina and the US, the head of the Palacio de Hacienda spoke about the evolution of the dollar, the negotiation with the IMF, the fragile situation in which the reserves of the BCRA, inflation and the electoral present of the country.

Asked about the possibility of leading the presidential list of the Frente de Todos in this year’s elections, the minister made it clear that his decision is conditioned by two factors: the family context and the open discussions in the ruling party.

“Sometimes it’s not just what you want but the context,” he said at first, then explained that “the family context is an important issue” when discussing a possible candidacy since “it’s the most important thing in my life”. “I have adolescent children. When they are small, you can drag them where you want. When they are older, it is different,” she explained.

“The second thing is that I believe that a government, even if it is a coalition, has the obligation to provide certainty. And part of that is not exposing society to its internal debates. We have to fight behind closed doors. “Those two issues work as a very big determining factor for me”, he said.

Massa questioned defining the inmate in a few STEP

At the same time, he again questioned the use of the PASO within the FdT to define candidacies: “This exposing in a primary if the government has differences seems to me a very serious mistake, because it generates uncertainty for the people”pointed out and added: “We are here to govern.”

Regarding the political future of the Frente de Todos, he did not hesitate to affirm that its central objective is “for the coalition to continue governing” but he asked to avoid fights. “We have to tell people what we had to solve, what we could not and where we are going. Not to fight. Not to get into individual positioning issues,” said the minister and added: “If the fight is about individual positioning, I prefer to look from the side”

Finally, faced with a hypothetical case of what measures he would take if he finally made progress in a candidacy and later became president, Massa replied: “I am not going to speak if I were. With the experience of nine months at the head of the Ministry, I I would say to the next president that he works on five issues, he has to build a State policy: first on the food issue because Argentina is one of the world’s major players in protein production, the second is the energy issue, the third is mineral resources, the fourth is the knowledge economy and the fifth is the institutional agenda”.

Source: Ambito

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