Poll: A third of citizens want to buy a Deutschlandticket

Poll: A third of citizens want to buy a Deutschlandticket

For 49 euros per month, passengers can travel unlimited throughout Germany. But not everyone can afford the ticket. According to a survey, 30 percent of respondents find the price too expensive.

According to a survey, almost a third of the citizens want to buy the Deutschlandticket in the course of this year.

Almost half (49 percent) of the 14 to 29 year olds want to buy the ticket, according to a survey by the consumer advice center that was available to the German Press Agency. However, 30 percent of all respondents find the ticket too expensive.

“We need a cheaper offer for people with low incomes. There must be social differentiation,” said Ramona Pop, board member at the Federal Association of Consumers, the dpa. “The Deutschlandticket must also be attractive for families. A transferable family ticket must be offered and free transport of children up to the age of 14 must be regulated nationwide.”

A large majority of citizens would also like a cheaper option for low earners. 77 percent of those surveyed are (rather) in favor of families and people with low incomes being able to buy the Germany ticket at a lower price.

Board member Pop also called for an expansion of local transport. “So that even more people can use the offer, local transport must be powerful and reliable,” said Pop. “Train travel has to be really attractive.”

According to information from the industry, around seven million people have now subscribed to the new Deutschlandticket. Among them are around two million people who did not have a subscription for public transport before the introduction, according to the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV).

The Germany ticket for 49 euros per month has been valid since May 1st. It entitles you to travel on all local and regional buses and trains nationwide. The ticket is intended as a subscription, but can be canceled on a monthly basis. It is usually non-transferrable. The ticket can be bought as a job ticket if the employer pays at least 25 percent of the price.

Source: Stern

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