
Misiones joins provinces that double productive financing of the Crédito Argentino program

Misiones joins provinces that double productive financing of the Crédito Argentino program

The Secretary of Industry and Productive Development of the Nation, José Ignacio de Mendiguren, and the governor of Misiones, Oscar Herrera Ahuad, agreed to double the quota of the CreAr Inversión PyME Federal financing line of the Crédito Argentino (CreAr) program, to promote more strategic investments and promote change in the productive structure of regional economies.

The “Ahora Misiones +21” and “Ahora Canasta” programs were also extended to boost production and internal consumption in the province, as officially reported today.

“This signature is a sign of confidence in these programs. I want to thank the Minister of the Economy, Sergio Massa, because we are aware of the difficult situation in Argentina but we also understand that these are measures that help and accompany his daunting task of resolving the macroeconomic problem,” said Herrera Ahuad, adding that “these programs They are very successful and provide benefits for the well-being of missionary families.”

In this sense, he explained that “a line that benefits local producers and SMEs from Misiones has been extended so that they can access financing and thus develop and grow.”

“Without a doubt -he added-, the contribution of Misiones in terms of production and employment for the country, despite the vicissitudes we face, allowed us to sustain the level of activity and growth.”

For his part, Mendiguren pointed out that “this province is strategic because it is in the center of Mercosur and allows us to insert ourselves well into regional productive integration, betting on new sectors for the change in the productive matrix that Argentina needs.”

Crédito Argentino (CreAr) is the largest production financing program in the country’s recent history, and involves a State investment of $800,000 million, between loans with subsidized interest rates from Fondep and Fogar guarantees, the statement highlighted. official.

The authorities agreed to double the CreAr Inversión PyME Federal line to $2,000 million to support productive investment projects with loans of between $1

million and $150 million, with investment in rate bonus from the national and provincial government.

Misiones is the eighth province with the most productive credits granted under the CreAr Program and with this expansion it joins Salta and San Juan, among other provinces that also doubled the financing quota due to the demand of the productive sector to make investments.

During the meeting they also agreed to extend Ahora Misiones+21 and Ahora Canasta, reimbursement programs to consumers in the province, with the aim of

continue to strengthen consumption, promote the production of local SMEs and promote food trade in the region.

Source: Ambito

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