Through Resolution 200/2024 published in the Official Gazette, the Secretariat headed by Eduardo Chirilloexplained that the price of bioethanol based on sugar cane and corn is increasing because these prices can generate distortions in the prices of fossil fuels at the pump, “exceptional prices are set that adjust to this need.”
The prices of bioethanol made from sugar cane and corn for operations to be carried out during the month of August 2024 and until new prices replace them, clarifying that those They are the minimum values at which marketing operations in the domestic market must be carried out.
Biofuels: how much will the price of bioethanol go up from this month?
According to the document, the price of the bioethanol made from sugar cane intended for mandatory mixing with gasoline at $644.525 per liter (this is an increase of 38.36% compared to June, when the price per liter was $465.840).
On the other hand, the minimum purchase price was set for the bioethanol made from corn intended for mixing with gasoline, at $590,730 per liter (an increase of 27.34%, where the previous price was $463,911).
Finally, it is clarified that the payment period for bioethanol may not exceed, in any case, 30 calendar days from the date of the corresponding invoice.
Being required by law to buy biofuels to cut fossil fuels, Oil companies will see a new increase in their costs since they are an input for their productionHowever, for the month of August, fuel prices were already increased by 3% at the pumps (adding an additional 2.5% for the City of Buenos Aires), postponing part of the increase that corresponded to the Fuel Tax (ICL). That is why it is considered that this increase may be either an adjustment, or a part of the value that will be increased the following month.
How much is a liter of gasoline and diesel in AMBA?
YPF super gasoline went from $940 to the $970 zone per liter in the City of Buenos Aires (CABA).
Diesel rises from $980 to about $1,010 per liter.
In the year, Fuel prices rose by more than 126% on average, above inflation. As a result of the recession, there has been a sharp drop in premium gasoline, as consumers move to supercars. Between May and June, gasoline consumption fell 10.1% year-on-year.
Source: Ambito