The Banking, The union entity that brings together workers in the sector, stated in a statement that it was agreed with the business chambers “a salary increase that will be equivalent to the inflation for the month of July (4%), on June salaries.”
This increase applies to all gross monthly salaries, normal, usual and total, remunerative and non-remunerative, including conventional and non-conventional additional payments.
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Bank workers agreed to a new increase: they will receive a basic salary of $1,348,390
In line with past agreements, they explained that The recomposition will extend to the first seven months of the year: “It should be pay the difference that arises between the Accumulated inflation between the months of January and July 2024 inclusive (87%)taking as a reference the salaries of December 2023, and the increases already granted in 2024 (79.8%).” The resulting amount must be paid together with the August salaries.
“In this way, once again, from the Banking Association We guarantee the application of the inflation rates monthly so that bank workers do not lose out against inflation, safeguarding purchasing power of our representatives,” they said.
With this update, the starting salary will reach $1,348,390, to which is added the sum of profit sharing (ROE), of $48,723.33. So, The amount to be collected will reach $1,397,113.
Business chambers and the La Bancaria union Negotiations will resume in the second half of Septemberwhen the inflation rate for August will already be known.
Source: Ambito