AFIP authorities met with World Bank officials

AFIP authorities met with World Bank officials

August 22, 2024 – 20:01

The tax collection agency aims to obtain technical assistance from the multilateral entity to improve key areas of tax administration.

The owner of the Federal Public Revenue Administration (AFIP), Florencia Misrahi, met with representatives of the World Bank (BM) with the aim of achieving technical assistance to improve key areas of the tax collection agency.

The head of the AFIP pointed out that “Argentina is determined to recover the prestige, transparency and full capacity of its tax administration, for which the collaboration of multilateral organizations represents an opportunity to focus efforts on its modernization.”

Another of the topics discussed was the strengthening of international tax control, in which AFIP has been giving clear signs of using all available exchange tools and best practices. The support of the World Bank and other organizations is a clear opportunity in this regard.

The federal administrator has planned other meetings with multilateral organizations in order to agree on an agenda of technical assistance.

The meeting was attended by Roberto Senderowitsch and Serdar Yilmaz, both Global Managers of Governance and Public Administration at the World Bank, and participation through virtual means of Arturo Herrera, Global Director of this area, who expressed the possibility of providing recommendations based on experiences of jurisdictions comparable to Argentina.

Florence Misrahi He indicated that “AFIP is open to considering all the recommendations that the World Bank authorities may offer, taking into account its vast experience in improving governance and operations in contexts similar to Argentina.”

Source: Ambito

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