The Federal Public Revenue Administration (AFIP) eliminated obstacles in the yerba mate marketing chain. Through the General Resolution 5555/2024the body led by Florence Misrahi repealed a group of 1998 regulations that established the obligation to issue a series of documents in order to be able to transport and industrialize this crop. This is the roadmap, which the industries had to complete to present to the AFIP, in a document that was designed at the request of the Chamber of Millers to prevent the circulation of black yerba mate.
On this topic the president of the National Institute of Yerba Mate (Inym) Nelson Dalcomo welcomed the elimination of the roadmap. “For several years, Inym has been raising the need to eliminate this bureaucratic requirement,” he said.
Speaking to Ámbito, Dalcomo said that “his confirmation did not affect the development of Inym.” “The roadmaps, as they were called, were a requirement at the request of the Chamber of Millers of the producing area. What’s more, it had to be processed before this entity,” he said.
Dalcomo clarified that “what was not limited, and I think that’s a good thing, are the incoming and outgoing shipments of yerba mate from the drying plants.” It should be noted that the yerba mate enters as green leaves and leaves as dried leaves.
Stock Book
Another of the eliminations was the yerba mate stock book. For the president of the Yerba Mate Cooperative of the Misiones town of Dos de Mayo, Héctor Dilger, and for the representative of the drying sheds of the North of Misiones, Sergio Delapiere, this was an error on the part of the Afip “because it does not allow the Inym to carry out the yerba mate statistics on a monthly basis.”
The President of Inym said that “sworn statements were not eliminated, which allows for the development of statistics.” “The Institute operates with sworn statements,” Dalcomo clarified.
However, with the controls of the National Institute of Yerba Mate and the sale of stamps, this “remittance note” became superfluous and in practice meant a double control. In this way, the AFIP adapts its regulations to the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 70/2023, which modernized the National Institute of Yerba Mate with the aim of streamlining the necessary procedures for the activity and thus reducing unnecessary costs of the different links that make up that chain.
The general resolution published in the Official Gazette eliminates the need to have the voucher called “Yerba mate roadmap”Likewise, mills, dryers and/or warehouses will no longer have to register the income, expenses and stocks of said products in the “Book of Movements and Stocks”.
The agency is currently reviewing the various records, receipts, obligations and information regimes implemented during previous administrations that could hinder the streamlining of processes, interfere with trade or increase costs.
Source: Ambito