
Retirees should be given

Retirees should be given

In this regard, the deputy said: “On the one hand they tell us that There is no money and on the other hand they want Grant 100 billion pesos to the SIDE“That was quite shocking. I don’t know who advised the President on this, but the truth is that there has to be money for retirees,” he stressed.

When the project was debated in the lower house, Arrieta voted against, as did the rest of the ruling bloc.

Legislative agenda: how Lourdes Arrieta will vote in the House of Representatives

In dialogue with Romina Manguel on FM Milenium, the Mendoza woman referred to the rest of the projects on the legislative agenda and anticipated her position regarding a large part of the proposals that are being discussed in Congress.

First, he spoke about the project of Single Paper Ballot and did not want to give any indication of his vote: “We see”, In any case, Arrieta herself is seeking to promote her own electoral reform, with the focus on the financing of political parties. She explained that the central points will seek that “the virtual campaign and the fixed signage in public spaces be entirely with private financing. And that The money that the State contributes to the campaign will be used for merchandising: caps, t-shirts, pins and mobile signage”.

On the other hand, he did not make clear his position regarding one of the proposals of the ruling party: the reduction of age of accountability. Arrieta considered that “it would have to be analyzed, because It is something that generates controversy”.

However, he said that he would support projects such as the reform of the Law on Trade Union Associations and the modifications to the Internal Security Act so that the Army can intervene and carry out operations that are currently carried out by the Police. The deputy said that she will vote in favor of the initiative “if the Armed Forces personnel are really supported by the law to be able to act.”

Finally, Arrieta preferred “not to talk” about the candidacies of Ariel Lijo and Manuel Garcia-Mansilla to the Supreme Court because it does not want to “interfere with matters of justice.”

He simply stated: “The person you can choose, It will be a person who takes responsibility and who will not be biased towards one political sector or another.”. In any case, Arrieta will have no influence on the election of Supreme Court judges since the lists are voted on only in the Senate.

Source: Ambito

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