The statutory pension system urgently needs reform. But no one talks about the many billions that are spent on civil servants’ pensions. There is at least as much need for reform here.
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Anyone who is worried about their pension should be advised to become a civil servant, even if it is only for a few years. The average civil servant pension in this country is 3,240 euros. Those in middle and junior service receive around 2,300 euros in retirement money, while those in higher service receive an average of 4,973 euros, according to the Federal Statistical Office. That doesn’t just sound like an enormous amount – it is.
No “normal” pensioner in this country reaches such highs: Hardly anyone with statutory insurance receives more than 2,400 euros in pension, and there are only around 50 pensioners nationwide who receive more than 3,000 euros a month, according to DRV statistics. For civil servants, however, this 3,240 euro pension is the norm.
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Source: Stern