Health professions ahead: Authorities recognize more foreign professional qualifications

Health professions ahead: Authorities recognize more foreign professional qualifications

In the past, it was difficult for foreigners to have their professional qualifications recognized. Recently, things have moved more quickly.

In Germany, the chances for foreign workers to have their professional qualifications recognized have increased. Last year, the authorities approved 65,300 applications, according to the Federal Statistical Office. That was 25 percent more than the year before. The increase was significantly greater than the previous year, when there were eleven percent more positive decisions. Recognition was rejected in around 2,300 cases.

A good two out of three positive recognition procedures (69 percent) are for medical professions. Of all the procedures, more than half (56 percent) are for nurses. 14 percent are doctors. This is followed by engineers, teaching staff and educators.

94 percent of the applications were submitted by foreign citizens. One in ten positive decisions was made for a professional qualification from Turkey. This was followed by Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Philippines, Tunisia, Syria, India and Ukraine. The number of new applications rose by 26 percent to 62,100 last year.

Communication from Destatis

Source: Stern

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