From the national government They made official the completion of the Néstor Kirchner Gasduct with the inauguration of the Salliqueló Compressor Plant. This termination is added to the Treatyén Compressor Plantwhose inauguration took place last July.
According to what they indicate, this lIt will allow the country to save US$130 milliondue to the replacement of liquid fuels in winter periods. They also assured that both plants iThey will inject 10 million m3 of extra gas.
The Salliqueó plant had scheduled its start date for September 2023but due to different circumstances, this was delayed. The advances of sconstruction only reached 19%a fact by which ENARSA was on the verge of terminating his contract.
GPNK works completed
The official video that the government published to announce the completion.
National Government
On the other hand, There was a debt of more than US$8 million to the contractors, who had their import permits blocked. Therefore, they could not enter the Single Free Exchange Market (MULC).
According to the ruling party, during these last 10 monthsthe government of Javier Milei worked together with companies continuously. Then, the debts were paid, the plant was completed, and today it is in operation, thus fulfilling the objective of continuing to optimize the country’s energy infrastructure.
Regarding their tasks, both the GPNK and the compressor plants had been designed to initially transport a volume of 21 MMm³ per day. But this capacity was surpassed with the commissioning of theTrayén plant in July of this year.
That construction reaches an injection of 23 MMm³ per day. Thus, the start-up of the Salliqueló Compressor Plant will also challenge the transportation volume initially planned.
Federico Basualdo: “Argentina will stop importing energy if the Government finishes the Néstor Kirchner Gasduct”
The former Undersecretary of Electrical Energy of the Nation Federico Basualdohad analyzed the country’s energy situation and assured that this year will end with a large positive balance of the energy balancefor the infrastructure works launched.
“The energy deficit has existed since 2011,” but it will be reversed, he said. “Starting in 2012 with the recovery of YPF and the development of strategic planning that allowed exploit unconventional resources in Vaca Muerta By YPF and other private companies, hydrocarbon production was improved and the path towards self-sufficiency that was lost in 2011 was taken.”he expressed during an interview.
Basualdo considered in this framework that “today we are in a different position in terms of trade balance and the energy sector.” thanks to the path that began in 2012”, where development was targeted to have greater production and infrastructure.
In this way, the former official assured that “Argentina is now in a position to stop importing energy, that depends on the government completing the Néstor Kirchner Gasduct”.
TheTrayén plant generates savings of up to US$350 million
TheTrayén compressor plant allows approximately 5 million additional m3 of gas to be injected into the Néstor Kirchner Gasduct. This represents for the country a savings of up to US$350 million per year in fuel substitution liquids and LNG import.
TheTrayén Compressor Plant is located in the heart of Dead Cowin Neuquén. As explained by the company, it will allow the gas received from the TGS Gas Conditioning Plant to be compressed and injected into the Pipeline increasing the transported volume of 11 to 16 million m3 per day.
Source: Ambito