Find out all the promotions there are for the last days of the month and buy everything cheaper.
In the month of October there are many purchases with savings that can be made in the chain of COTO supermarkets in all its 120 branches. When being celebration for his 54th birthday They decided to celebrate in a big way with their entire community and implemented great benefits on all the most ordered products.
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At the same time, COTO was one of the pioneers in promotional magazinesso it is important to read it to know which products have discounts or 2×1 promotions. Also, it must be remembered that COTO has its digital version and that most discounts apply to what is the web and what is physical businesses.
For next month you have to be attentive to find out what the main promotions will be on selected products and with credit and debit cards, since every day there are benefits.
inflation supermarkets wholesale prices consumption
Which cards have a discount at COTO the last weekend of October
For the last weekend of October, those who wish to make their purchases at COTO will be able to have significant discounts when paying with the following cards:
- 3 interest-free installments with Orange Card
- 15% discount on a payment with the TCI credit card
At the same time, the celebrations for Mother’s Day are added, so the incredible promotions on electrical and food products will continue to be available until sunday 27.
Source: Ambito