What is the new registry of social works for monotributistas like?

What is the new registry of social works for monotributistas like?

November 3, 2024 – 07:30

Monotributistas must ensure how to register their social works after the dissolution of the AFIP and the beginning of the management of ARCA.

Ignacio Petunchi

The Government of Javier Milei, together with the Ministry of Economy, decreed the dissolution of the Federal Public Revenue Administration (AFIP) and form the tax entity Customs Collection and Control Agency (ARCA) without modifying its functions.

After the change, many workers, especially those who were within the Simplified Regime for small taxpayers and must pay their corresponding contribution to retirement contributions every month, of the social workand other taxes, were waiting for the announcement on how to proceed with medical coverage.



Monotributo: what is the new registry of social works like?

The official statement establishes the new Registry of Health Insurance Agents for medical-care coverage of small taxpayers under the supervision of the Superintendency of Health Services. The entities of the National Health Insurance System that agree to integrate the members will be registered in this registry. small taxpayers in its beneficiary population, classifying them according to their income.

In addition, the progressive incorporation to the Mandatory Emergency Medical Program (PMOE) is mentioned for monotributistas and their familieswho, after six months of membershipwill be able to access additional services subsidized by the Single Reimbursement System for Disease Management (SURGE).

Source: Ambito

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