This story shows that generating a large sum of money is not enough, good administration is essential.
In television, digital content, advertising and documentaries in general, it is common for professionals, investors or experts in something to talk about the businesses that went well for them, or their great successes. Many times failures, bad moments, or efforts that led them to greatness are hidden.
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For Roi Shlomo this is not a problem. As he told the BBC, he learned more about bankruptcy than the stage where he earned the most money in his life. He believes that this experience was one of the most difficult he had to go through, which is why he needed the power to adapt and solve problems that he considers essential in his personal growth.
Kale Me Crazy
What is the story of Roi Shlomo like?
Roi Shlomo was the founder and executive of Kale Me Crazya healthy food chain from Atlanta, United States. In 2006, it went from having a kiosk in the shopping center to opening 13 stores. In December of that year, it had a turnover of $300,000 in just one month. This was a sum he never thought he would earn in his life, since he came from a working-class family.
That promotion led him to believe that he was homeless, so he bought a car, invested in real estate and moved to Las Vegas with the intention of opening a jewelry store, just before the financial bubble burst. in 2008. After this crash, their investments lost value and as He had no idea of the magnitude of the recession, he continued to pump money into his project.
In less than a year He lost everything and declared bankruptcy.. In order to generate income, he began cleaning carpets and saving as much as he could. After two years, and thanks to a loan from a friend, he raised his head and started again. There co-founded Yogli Mogli, a self-service yogurt store.
In 3 years he already had 27 stores, which he sold to embark on his new adventure. Since then he founded Kale Me Crazy, a chain selling healthy food, under the concept of “superfood” coffee. Today it has 21 stores in Atlanta and 5 under construction in other cities.
Roi’s 4 tips for success after failure
The main advice is protect your money. Managing it after having earned it is essential; rushing to invest without knowing can be one of the most serious mistakes. In second place, value what you have. When you are not used to having money, it is likely to make bad decisions and not know its value.
Learn to calculate risks: Before launching into the signing of a contract, the costs and value of the business to be undertaken must be exhaustively evaluated, so as not to lose due to a calculation error. Finally, take your time: For something to work, multiple factors must align such as the layout of the store, what other businesses are nearby, and even the convenience of parking. Therefore, it is not allowed to rush, but to think carefully about these circumstances.
Source: Ambito