Do you need money to be happy? A researcher explains it

Do you need money to be happy? A researcher explains it

“Financial Wellbeing”
Does money make you happy? Researcher explains how much you need

Some people get along well with little money, others can never get enough of it. Behavioral scientist Thomas Mathar explains how we find out how much we really need.

This interview comes from the stern archive and first appeared in September 2023.

Mr. Mathar, you have written a book about “Financial Wellbeing”. What is meant by the term?
In Germany, many people are concerned with the topic of “financial freedom”. The goal is to generate enough capital and income so that you no longer have to work. “Financial Wellbeing,” on the other hand, is more of a journey than a destination. In addition to financial stability, it is also about emotional and psychological well-being. It’s about developing a healthy relationship with money so that you earn, manage and spend money in ways that make you happy.

Source: Stern

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