How much was Roca’s fortune, in dollars

How much was Roca’s fortune, in dollars

November 22, 2024 – 22:00

The legacy he left: from his influence in Argentine politics to his economic heritage.

There are many names in the history of our country who, thanks to their political and cultural activities, forged a central part of the Argentina. However, in addition to their performance on the battlefield or as rulers, these heroes of the country They also knew how to amass, through various economic activities, considerable fortunes.

As time went by, and with their deaths, it was possible to count how much they actually collected in life and how much was destined for family inheritances. Julio Argentino Rocawho was in the presidency leading the country on two occasions, is the hero with the most registered assets in Argentinaand this is his story.

July Argentino roca.jpg

Who was Julio Argentino Roca

Julio Argentino Roca was a very important figure in the Argentine history of the 19th and early 20th centuries, serving as a military man, politician and twice president of the Nation. He was born July 17, 1843 in Tucumánand came from a very wealthy family that allowed him access to a quality education. This led to the choice of a military career, where he stood out by actively participating in the Paraguayan War elapsed between 1864 and 1870.

This experience paved the way for him to reach the mandate as Minister of War under the presidency of Nicolas Avellaneda. There, Roca gained notoriety by leading the so-called “Conquest of the Desert“from 1878 to 1885, a series of military campaigns aimed at expanding the control of the Argentine State over territories inhabited by indigenous peoples in the Pampas region and Patagonia. Although it was presented as an initiative to integrate new lands into the nation and promote economic progress, this campaign resulted in the displacement, subjugation and extermination of many native peoples.

In 1880Roca assumed the presidency after winning the elections, marking the beginning of what became known as the “Conservative Regime” or the “Oligarchic Republic.” During his first term, he implemented policies that centralized power in the national government, ensuring the supremacy of Buenos Aires as the capital of the country and seat of political and economic power. His government promoted the modernization of Argentina through the expansion of the railway systemthe promotion of European immigration and the growth of agro-export production. However, this development was accompanied by a growing concentration of land and social inequalitiesbenefiting mainly the landowning elites.

Roca returned to the presidency in 1898 until 1904. His leadership, although effective in consolidating state power and promoting economic growth, was also criticized by perpetuate a restrictive political systembased on electoral fraud and the exclusion of large sectors of the population. He died October 19, 1914 in Buenos Aires, leaving a complex legacy.

The heritage of Julio Argentino Roca

The military man, as estimated with research by an economist who graduated from the UBA Julio Djenderedjianleft a fortune for his heirs of more than 15 million pesos.

To make this calculation, he converted the Argentine peso to the gold peso according to the price at the time of death. Then, he made the transfer from gold to dollars of that time. The last step was to use an inflation calculator in dollars to arrive at the total amount in US currency that would represent Roca’s fortune today. This would reach about US$198,360,987.

Source: Ambito

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