Argentina held meetings with Brazilian industrialists to advance the trade relationship

Argentina held meetings with Brazilian industrialists to advance the trade relationship

The general secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei; the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo; the Secretary of Energy and Mining Coordination, Daniel González; and the executive president of the Argentine Agency for Investment and International Trade (AAICI), Diego Sucalesca, They met with the president of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP), Joshua Gomes da Silva.

It is about the largest trade association of the Brazilian industrywhich began working with the AAICI and the Argentine consulate in São Paulo to carry out a trade mission to Buenos Aires in March 2025.

The meeting was held in San Pablo, and had a strong presence of businessmen and directors of the FIESP. There, Karina Milei pointed out: “It is an honor to be in the industrial and economic heart of Brazil to provide you with first-hand information about the investment opportunities that have opened in Argentina.thanks to an increasingly orderly economy and the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI)”.

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Karina Milei together with the president of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP), Josué Gomes da Silva.

In turn, he indicated that ““Trade relations between both countries are fundamental for the economic growth of the region, strengthening ties and exploring new investment opportunities.”

For his part, Caputo asked Brazilian businessmen to “take advantage of the opportunity that Argentina presents,” a country that “in addition to being rich in natural resources, has enormous potential in its human capital.” “Come invest in the real economy,” stated the head of the Treasury Palace.

In that sense he added: “We are convinced that the “Argentina is going to be the country that will grow the most in the next 30 years.”. In turn, he highlighted that for Argentina it is “important that Mercosur shows flexibility so that countries can make bilateral agreements.”

On that side, Diego Sucalesca assured that investments and exports “they have a key role in this new Argentina that does not spend more than it collectsadjusts the State while freeing the private sector, and promotes the RIGI, which streamlines administrative processes and provides predictability and legal security.”

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“There is a President and a Government that are doing what has never been done, that is why we have ten consecutive months of fiscal surplus, inflation fell abruptly and the country risk plummeted“, he insisted, while stating that the Agency he presides “initiated a modernization process, aligning operations with the best global practices to be a strategic partner of foreign companies that have investment projects in Argentina.”

Brazilian companies began working to carry out a trade mission to Buenos Aires that would take place next March, together with the AAICI and the Argentine consul in São Paulo, Luis María Kreckler. The objective is to strengthen commercial exchange with the country’s main partner, and with a view tobring investments from the benefits provided by the RIGI in different industrial sectors

Meanwhile, Daniel González spoke to more than a hundred leaders of Brazilian business associations about “Commercial and investment opportunities within the framework of RIGI.” There, he highlighted that To date, six applications to join the RIGI have been received in the energy and mining sectors.

“We hope to approve at least two of them in the coming weeks,” He indicated, and announced that “in the coming months” another ten projects will enter the Regime, most of them “in export sectors.”

The tour of the Argentine delegation, headed by Karina Milei, through Brazil will continue with a meeting with the governor of the state of São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitaswhich will take place at the Bandeirantes Palace, headquarters of the regional Government.

Prior to this, the Argentine authorities were received by Guilherme Benchimolco-founder and president of XP, a leading company in the global financial market. The meeting was attended by representatives of 52 banks and investment funds from Brazil interested in Argentina’s macroeconomic growth scenario.

The Argentina-Brazil trade relationship

Brazil is the main destination of Argentine exports. In October, sales of products to that country represented revenues of US$ 1,295 million, 18.5% of the total sold by Argentina globally, which was US$ 7,016 million.

A few days ago, at the G20 summit held in Rio de Janeiro, the Governments of Argentina and Brazil signed an agreement to boost gas exports from the Vaca Muerta field.

Source: Ambito

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