a hospital exchanged two babies at birth and the families realized three years later

a hospital exchanged two babies at birth and the families realized three years later

Two Brazilian families reported that their babies were exchanged after birth at the Women’s Hospitalin the town of Inhumasstate of Goias. The case was discovered three years later, after one of the parents suspected paternity and requested a DNA test. The Police began to investigate the case.

The babies were born on October 15, 2021 by cesarean section, performed simultaneously by different medical teams: one was born at 7:35 and the other, 14 minutes later, at 7:49 a.m.. Since it was in the middle of a pandemic, Both women had to give birth alone due to the restrictions imposed on family members in hospitals..

How they discovered baby swapping

Everything came to light after one of the couples separated. One of the dads, Claudio Alves could not find any physical resemblance to his son and requested a DNA test to verify paternity. His ex-wife, Yasmin Kessia da Silva (22) he accepted. “If he wasn’t Claudio’s son, he wouldn’t be mine either,” she told the G1 site, convinced of the child’s paternity.

The exam was carried out on October 31, 2024 and the laboratory requested a countertest. “They said my son’s blood was not compatible with mine. I thought it was a mistake. But the counterproof arrived. I hoped that everything would be okay, that he was mine. Then we received the report and saw that it was not ours”Yasmin said.

The woman reminded the family that she was there the same day her son was born, since she knew the father by sight, and managed to contact them through a pastor. After the religious leader told them what happenedIsamara Cristina Mendanha (26) and Guilherme Luiz de Souza (27) They also took a DNA test with their son, which turned out to be incompatible.

brazil babies

One of the parents, Claudio Alves, did not see a physical resemblance to his son and requested a DNA test.

The Territory

“Márcio [pastor de la iglesia] came to tell us. We immediately asked ourselves what to do and we did the DNA. From there, practically everything was over,” declared Isamara. The couples underwent tests that showed that the children they live with are not their children. However, they still have no proof that Yasmin’s biological son is with Isamara’s family.

For both families, the discovery was a turning point in their lives. “It is a huge shock. I don’t have the psychological makeup for this. We are just a family. We just want peace. In this moment of so much sadness and pain that we are experiencing, what we want is a solution,” said Claudio. “We are defenseless and I don’t know how we are going to do it from now on,” said the man.

Isamara stated that they spent three years taking care of a child, and that now they have another biological child. “We want to get closer and, from that moment on, be a big family,” said the mother.

What mothers said about the moment of childbirth

Yasmin said that after giving birth, the medical team took a photo of her with her baby, who was wearing an identification bracelet on his left arm. However, the woman does not remember if she still had it when she arrived at the room. “I woke up and the baby was already next to me, my mother was in the room. “I remember flashes,” the woman said. She said she felt sick during the birth and because of the anesthesia she doesn’t remember what happened in the recovery room.

Isamara said she arrived at the room before the baby, who was brought to her shortly after. Then she grabbed “her first son’s first outfit” to put it on. The Justice decreed the secrecy of the summary, but in a statement reported that “those involved have already been interviewed and the police investigation continues with the ongoing proceedings to clarify the dynamics of the event and its authorship.”

The São Sebastião de Inhumas Hospital also indicated that it is cooperating with the authorities to clarify the case. The case is investigated by the Police, based on the Statute of Children and Adolescents. Although the courts must determine the children’s future, families said they were divided.

Claudio’s lawyer, Kuniyoshi Watanabe, told g1 that the families did not mention whether they would do an exchange. “The judge will determine the end of the process there. “I think they will end up having two fathers and two mothers,” he explained.

Source: Ambito

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