The Government ordered changes in funds for social integration

The Government ordered changes in funds for social integration

The Government modified the minimum requirements, conditions and guidelines that will govern the application, execution, liquidation and accountability of the programmatic lines developed by the National Disability Agency. The measure was made official with the publication of Resolution 2342/2024 in the Official Gazette.

The new regulations for the National Disability Agency for human beings

In detail, the new regulation provides that in order to grant subsidies to people, they must prove their condition through the Single Certificate of Disability (CUD) or other certificate in force within the framework of Law No. 22,431. Subsidies may be made effective through the following modalities:


The new regulations established by the government through the Official Gazette.

Official Gazette

In order to request the subsidypeople must present a request note from which the object to be subsidized arises unequivocally, signed by the interested party or their legal representative, having reliably accredited the representation invoked. It must have:

  • Holographic signature, clarification, ID and contact information
  • Accreditation of the applicant’s National Identity Document
  • Socioeconomic report signed by a competent professional
  • In case of requesting the subsidy for the acquisition of elements necessary for autonomy, the prescription of the requested good must be proven.
  • Three comparative quotes for each of the requested goods
  • CBU Certificate

Changes in the regulations of the National Disability Agency for legal entities

As for the subsidies to legal entitiessuch as Provincial and/or Municipal Government Organizations, Civil Society Organizations with or without profit and others, the new regulations detail that “they will be made effective through transfer of funds to a bank account in the name of the legal entity applicant, with charge of documented accounting of his investment”.

In detail, modifications were made to the requirements according to each category of legal entities, differentiating the necessary accreditations for each one. “The subsidies granted They must be implemented through the signing of an Agreement between the NATIONAL DISABILITY AGENCY and the holder of the subsidy. where the rights and obligations of the parties are stated, without exception,” they detailed.

In both cases – human and legal – that the applicant fails to submit the documented surrender of funds in a timely manner, The National Disability Agency will issue a notice to the beneficiary with a period of 20 days for compliance. Then another 10 days will be granted and, if non-compliance continues, the person will be registered in the Registry Book of Delinquent Beneficiaries.

Subsequently, the granting of a last deadline will be notified by letter document. 10 days for the correct submission of documentation. Once this period has expired, the relevance of declaring the expiration of the subsidy will be evaluated.

Source: Ambito

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