Are provisional licenses useful for traveling abroad by car?

Are provisional licenses useful for traveling abroad by car?

As is public knowledge, the Government announced the closure of the Mintuntil now responsible for manufacturing the patents, and seeks to enable new suppliers.

In this way, Argentines who chose Brazil or Uruguay as a tourist destination and plan to go in a new car, which still do not have their license, have an obstacle ahead of them, since the provisional license to leave the country is not considered valid.

You will not be able to travel abroad by car with a provisional license: the reasons

Although the authorities are working against the clock to avoid chaos at border crossings During the high season, travelers to neighboring countries were alerted to take this information into account, along with all other recommendations provided and continually updated by the Foreign Ministry through its official communication channels and offices.

However, since it is uncertain when they will receive the definitive registrationsqueries to the Property Registries multiply daily, but in most cases, the answers remain negative.


The lack of licenses makes it difficult for tourists traveling abroad.

Patent printing

The manufacture of the patents is in charge of the Casa de la Moneda, an intervened organization that, by order of the Government, will no longer be the sole provider of all documentation related to vehicle registration and identification.

It includes provisional and definitive license plates, vehicle transfer and registration forms, and motor vehicle identification cards, popularly known as the green card.

To address the emergency, at the end of November the technical equipment of the former Ciccone, located in Don Torcuato, was moved to the facilities of the Mint in Retiro.

After approximately ten days of disassembly, transfer, assembly and adjustments to the machine, production resumed, although no official details have yet been given about the speed of work, considering that the current operators were not the same ones who previously performed that task.

Sources close to the organization estimate that they expect to produce about 90,000 metal patents in December and about 300,000 in January to “catch up” with the delays, which would not solve the problem of users who plan to travel during this month or in the first fortnight of January.

He shortage of these elements originates in 2023when production delays began to occur due to difficulties importing essential supplies such as reflective materials and special ink.

Although imports were made more flexible this year, the situation did not improve and, after an in-depth analysis by the new authorities of the Ministry of Justice, it was decided dispense with the services of the Mint as an exclusive supplier of forms, identification cards and metal license plates.

The Government extends the deadlines to circulate with provisional patents: for how long will it be

Meanwhile, the Automotive Records will deliver provisional paper patents with an initial validity of 180 daysrenewable until the situation is regularized.

These plates have no additional cost and allow vehicles to circulate, even travel abroad, thanks to the agreements in the Mercosur.

paper patent.png

The Automotive Registries will deliver provisional paper license plates with an initial validity of 180 days, renewable until the situation is regularized. Photo: alerttransito.

The Automotive Registries will deliver provisional paper license plates with an initial validity of 180 days, renewable until the situation is regularized. Photo: alerttransito.

Although the change seeks to solve structural problems and overcome the limitations of the monopoly, it has generated criticism for not guaranteeing an adequate replacement before closing. Mint. The results of the tender for new suppliers are expected to be announced next week.

“The Sectional Registry will proceed to register the vehicle, assign the digital Title and the Identification Card, and will issue free of charge provisional license plates valid for One Hundred and Eighty (180) days, which may be renewed as long as the metal plates are not delivered.” , as specified in the circular.

Source: Ambito

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