Car crisis: VW collective bargaining round: first day of negotiations ends after 13 hours

Car crisis: VW collective bargaining round: first day of negotiations ends after 13 hours

Car crisis
VW collective bargaining round: First day of negotiations ends after 13 hours

VW and IG Metall are trying to defuse their collective bargaining dispute with a marathon meeting. After 13 hours, the representatives take a break. We continue in the morning.

In the VW collective bargaining round, the company and IG Metall ended the first day of negotiations shortly after midnight. The talks will continue on Tuesday at 10 a.m., an IG Metall spokesman said. Until then there will be a nightly break in negotiations. In total, negotiations lasted 13 hours on the first day.

The potentially decisive round of negotiations began late on Monday morning. Around 70 representatives of the company and IG Metall met in Hanover for their fifth consultation. In a marathon negotiation they want to try to reach an agreement before Christmas. According to IG Metall, it is impossible to estimate how long the talks will last.

Volkswagen is demanding a wage cut of ten percent due to the group’s difficult situation. Plant closures and operational layoffs are still on the cards. IG Metall, on the other hand, demands the preservation of all locations and an employment guarantee for the approximately 130,000 employees. She rejects permanent cuts in monthly wages.


Source: Stern

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