how much will plastic cost starting this wednesday

how much will plastic cost starting this wednesday

December 17, 2024 – 16:45

With the increase there will be an update in the values ​​of the negative balance, and the social rate and discounts will also remain in force.

Starting tomorrow, Wednesday, December 18, the value of the physical SUBE card will increase to $1,500 at authorized points of sale. Previously, the plastic was priced at $880. Likewise, the rise will come hand in hand with a update on negative or emergency balance.

It should be noted that both the Federal Social Rate like discounts Red Upso that beneficiary groups travel with price reductions.

Update on negative balances on the SUBE card

In addition to the increase in the physical SUBE card, there will be a new margin on the negative balance that each passenger can usealthough it varies depending on the means of transport and the region.

In this way, the emergency balance will be:

  • Of $-1,200 in buses from localities that travel with SUBE, subways in the city of Buenos Aires and public river transportation in the Delta of the province of Buenos Aires (at ticket offices)
  • Of $-650 on AMBA train lines -Mitre, Sarmiento, Roca, San Martín, Belgrano Norte and Sur- and the Tren del Valle in the province of Neuquén
  • On the Urquiza train line the emergency balance will remain at $-480 until the technological replacement work necessary for the update is completed.

In addition, for those traveling in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA), the benefit of Red SUBE continues on bus lines of national jurisdiction and the city of Buenos Aires, trains and subways, which covers up to 5 combinations for 2 hours and applies a 50% discount on the second trip and 75% from the third.

In buses in all locations where you travel with SUBE you can also pay with SUBE Digital, which is free and available for cell phones with Android 8 operating system or higher and NFC technology.

Source: Ambito

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