Bill Gates and his forceful response about the future of cars and Artificial Intelligence

Bill Gates and his forceful response about the future of cars and Artificial Intelligence

December 18, 2024 – 12:00

The businessman gave his opinion on the possibility of cars traveling autonomously. What did he say?

Bill Gates He not only earned his fame for being one of the creators of Microsoft, one of the most successful technology companies in the world, but also for his innovative vision for the future of this field. In that sense, his word within the technological field has great weight for those who seek to know about new advances and the latest developments.

As is customary, his blog is usually loaded with the tycoon’s thoughts, ideas and opinions, who usually focus on the evolution of technology and work. On this occasion, he wrote about the future of transportation and what he expects from cars.

Bill Gates.jpg

Bill Gates


Cars with Artificial Intelligence, the future of transportation according to Bill Gates

In one of his last Gates Notesthe businessman warned about the arrival of an “autonomous era” within the world of transportationspecifically in the automotive industry. “I have always liked cars. Driving a car is fun and, at the same time, meditative,” said Gates, who then countered with an idea that, although it sounds straight out of science fiction, may be possible in the near future: “I’m excited for the day I can hand over control of my car to a machine.”.

This has a basis, and it is that the tycoon believes that “The time you spend driving could be transformed into time for you”. These vehicles, equipped with advanced sensors and supported through Artificial Intelligence, will allow humans to travel without having to drive. In any case, the tycoon maintains that The change will first be carried out in long-distance transportsuch as trucks and other commercial vehicles.

Source: Ambito

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