Stock exchange: Less dividend for DAX shareholders

Stock exchange: Less dividend for DAX shareholders

Stock market
Less dividend for DAX shareholders

The shareholders in the first German stock exchange league can also expect a decent profit share for 2024. But the total is smaller – mainly because of one industry.

Many shareholders of German companies have to prepare for lower dividends. At a good 59 billion euros, the dividend total of the 90 companies in the DAX and MDAX for the 2024 financial year is likely to be almost four percent smaller than a year before. The main reason for the decline: the crisis in the automotive industry.

According to estimates by Dekabank, BMW, Mercedes and VW are likely to pay out a total of 9.9 billion euros to their shareholders, 4 billion euros less than a year ago. “And there is a risk that this amount could be even lower, because given the announcement of factory closures and staff cuts, it can be assumed that the pressure on Volkswagen will increase to cut the dividend more than previously assumed,” says Dekabank capital market expert Joachim Schallmayer.

The majority of DAX companies want to pay more dividends

Despite the weakness of the automotive industry, the 40 companies in the German stock index will “just miss” the high mark of 55 billion euros in dividends from the previous year with an expected 52.2 billion euros in dividends, explained Schallmayer.

According to the current status, 23 of the 40 companies in the first German stock exchange league are likely to increase their payout per share for the past financial year compared to the previous year. The shareholders of the insurer Allianz can hope for the largest sum: almost 5.9 billion euros.

Dekabank expects an unchanged dividend from 9 DAX companies. Apart from the automotive sector, there will probably be less money at the chemical company BASF and the aircraft manufacturer Airbus – although the payout at Airbus was higher the year before due to a special payment.

Increasing distribution in the MDax

According to calculations by Dekabank, the 50 companies listed in the MDax will pay a total of 6.85 billion euros as dividends for the 2024 financial year, almost seven percent more than in the previous year. An increase in the payout per share is expected for 28 companies, Dekabank expects an unchanged dividend for 18 MDax companies, and 4 companies are likely to make cuts.


Source: Stern

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