the millionaire invention for everyday use

the millionaire invention for everyday use

December 26, 2024 – 09:00

Gastón Frydlewski and Mariquel Waingarten found an opportunity in a daily discomfort.

It is in the small details and situations of life that many people with ingenuity and vision created a million-dollar product. Such is the case of two Argentines, who were inspired by the discomfort of tying shoe laces to design a revolutionary element.

Hickies It is a product created by Gaston Frydlewski and Mariquel Waingartenan Argentine couple. It is a product made with a flexible material that It is placed in place of the laces, and adapts to the shoe. In this way, it allows you to tie and untie the laces without having to bend down.


How the Hickies were created

Frydlewski had just graduated with a degree in Business Administration from the University of San Andrés, when in 2011 He came up with the idea for a college project. He worked on it for many years, researched and patented the product..

As for the Hickies, he studied different materials to be able to use the most suitable one that is flexible and safe. Waingarten joined the project, and together They turned to the New York-based Kickstarter platform for a loan. The result was more positive than expected; They got $60,000 and presswhich launched them into the market and made them sell their first stocks to Brookstone.

Although they set up their headquarters in New York, they later had 20 workers in Argentina. Today they have offices on four continents, presence in 13 countries and a collaboration with Topper, a footwear brand.

Source: Ambito

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