“I know that would be a good candidate because he has plenty of credentials and obviously in a district in which he had a truly transformative management,” said Torres, in statements to Radio Rivadavia, when referring to the city of Buenos Aires.
When asked about the possibility that the owner of the PRO be a candidate this year, provincial representative He said anyway that “he has also said in many interviews that he does not feel comfortable in parliamentary places and the I really didn’t talk to him specifically about it.. “I think the decision is going to be much closer to the elections than now,” he added.
The Chubut governor expressed himself this way when asked about the negotiations that will begin Freedom Advances (LLA) and the PRO for a possible electoral agreement, after the head of the Buenos Aires government, Jorge Macri, would slide that “Candidate Mauricio is coming”.
Ignacio Torres spoke about a possible agreement between the PRO and La Libertad Avanza
Torres said he believes the PRO “has to have its identity because it is good for democracyit is good for the country and that does not imply letting oneself be swallowed up, that is, it does not imply merging.
That’s why he talked about a front with “two spaces with their own characteristics that can go together in a choice, and if it doesn’t go together, there is no need to dramatize either.” “We will continue to accompany what we believe is right, and obviously if we believe that something is not right, we will not accompany,” he projected.
Asked about his political position, he responded: “I am affiliated with the PRO. I have a front that is heterogeneous in the province; In fact, on my front, which is called Despierta Chubut, we have radicalism within, there is a sector of liberals also within my front.”
“So, in the case of Chubut, the front Wake up Chubut Naturally, he coexists very well with liberals. We have had better and worse moments, but those who represent that space in Chubut, for example, the provincial legislators, always accompanied us in the most difficult moments,” he added.
Regarding the agreement that could exist between LLA and the PRO, Torres maintained that “first we have to see if there is a front or there is no front”.
Source: Ambito