The Government fired another 1,100 public employees and there are already 36,000 layoffs in the State in the Javier Milei era

The Government fired another 1,100 public employees and there are already 36,000 layoffs in the State in the Javier Milei era

The November Government continued with the reduction of personnel in the State by add some 1,111 layoffs compared to the previous month according to data from the Ministry of Deregulation.

The report indicates that by November 2024 the number of people disaffected from the National Public Administration (APN) and State companies totaled 35,936. In the previous report of October, workers who had lost their jobs in the State They were 34,829.

He 48.7% of the dismissals are of workers who were monotributistas who sold their services to some public office. These are the employees who had the lowest income. 18.3% corresponds to employees under what is known as the Framework Law, that allowed the incorporation of personnel for a certain period of time. This segment had a better salary and is the one that could be associated to a greater extent with what is known as “patronage.”


Patronage is a form of incorporation of people as employees of the State due to the influence of political leaders. Employees are hired for 90 or 180 days and usually occupy hierarchical positions that also usually end when the senior official leaves office.

In relation to employees of permanent plant the decrease is 4.1% that may be due to vegetative issues, that is, people who retire and others who accepted voluntary retirement plans. In some cases they are former employees of organizations that were closed and become available. If the State does not assign them a task in two years, they are fired.


The report of the agency directed by Federico Sturzenegger, points out that the reduction in personnel in the APN sector “implied, between December 2023 and November 2024, a saving of US$4,012 million.”

“The cut has been manifested more pronounced in contracts governed by the Framework Law, c“with a decrease of US$2,114 million,” adds the study.

It indicates that “in terms of the permanent and temporary modality, the savings reached US$1,306 million, while in the LOYS contract modality (monotributistas) savings of US$592 million were achieved.”

The number offered by the Ministry of Deregulation is an estimate of what the State would stop paying for these salaries, which is calculated based on an average income, projecting the cost into the future and adjusting the value to the present.

Registered employment falls

According to data from Argentine Integrated Pension System (SIPA) in the first 10 months of 2024, 107,282 registered employees were lost. In October there were 25,664, which was equivalent to the number of positions created in the previous three months.

Job lossesand presented among independent workers. The Monotributo regime registered a contraction of 1.3% monthly, subtracting some 27,164 positions, to which were added those registered in the Social Monotributo that fell 0.2% (-1,363). The self-employed accompanied the dynamic for the sixth consecutive month and presented a monthly decrease of 0.5%, reflecting a loss of 2,038 jobs.

Meanwhile, In the private sector and in the State there was a slight increase in positions of about 2,000 in October.

Source: Ambito

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