After announcing a tax reduction for retirees and taxpayers, the head of the Buenos Aires Government, Jorge Macri, unveiled a cutout in the structure of the City from Buenos Aires. The reform will cover different areas of the Executive powersome of which will be removed, while others will be reduced. The plan aims to generate a public spending savings of $13 billion.
In the Executive they assure that it is a “reorganization” of the State capital that, according to they calculate, will allow a “savings of more than $13 billion pesos” in spending budgeted for 2025, a year in which expenditures will take place for the legislative elections premises, to which Macri hopes to arrive with the suspension of the Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory Primaries (PASO) approved in the Legislature, which would mean another saving for CABA’s coffers.
Jorge Macri’s announcement
The head of the Buenos Aires government, made the measure official at a press conference this Wednesday morning. In this context, he expressed: “”We decided modify 19 structures, of which 11 are removed and four are merged looking for much more efficiency. “We are also promoting the reduction of boards of directors of four public organizations.”
“This represents a saving of more than $13 billion that we are going to allocate to priority areas such as security, health and education,” he stressed.
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Jorge Macri announced cuts to the State.
“It has nothing to do with the previous tax reduction announcement, but rather reinforce those central areas where the middle class asks us for more“he highlighted.
Then he stressed: “At ssuppress these structures or merge organismssome of those tasks and functions they fulfilled, will be absorbed by management areas that already exist. This shows that these structures They were unnecessary. The idea is to take care of you.”
In addition to these previous cuts, he announced the elimination of other aspects: “Also we deal with special and trust fundsmany of which duplicate tasks among themselves and with other areas, without affecting the policies that address these funds, we look for appropriate and efficient tools that require less administrative expense. Therefore many of We are eliminating those trusts“Macri emphasized.
“Many of these measures are taken from the executiveothers we will be sending to the legislaturewhere we will be waiting for the support of as many forces as possible to achieve these savings and the efficiency that we want,” he expressed, assuring that they will do everything possible to get them approved.
“We want a more efficient and agile State, which fulfills the functions it has to fulfill and the necessary sensitivity because in the city no one is disposable“he assured.
Likewise, he concluded: “We want set the bar higher so that the city shines more every day, like one of the great cities in the world that it is. We do it without fear of profound changes, since face those political discussions and cultural that must be given”.
The context of the ad
The announcement comes days after the head of the Buenos Aires administration launched the campaign for PRO in the City to compete in the midterm elections. The City will unfold and advance the elections to July, with the aim of separating itself from the race of Nation and reinforce a campaign with its own agenda, so the electoral battle was anticipated and has already begun to be played. There the mayor must revalidate the validity of the party in a territory that he has governed for 18 years, when his cousin, the former president Mauricio Macri, assumed leadership of the Buenos Aires Government in 2007.
During the event that took place in Villa Pueyrredón, Jorge Macri He marked the field for Peronism and, mainly, for the libertarians, who by the hand of Karina Milei They seek to gain a foothold and consolidate themselves as a space in the City. “Here the PRO leads”the mayor stood up, in response to the advance of LLA.
At the rally that brought together more than 4,000 militants and officials, he openly referred to the dispute with Freedom Advances in the field of the economic agenda, freedom and the republic. “The flags are going to be stolen from us if we hand them over, if we give up or if we swallow the curve that the State is our enemy”he assured in relation to the libertarian pressure to shrink the State.
Since the replacement of representatives in the Legislature at the end of 2023, the libertarian space transferred the agenda it carries out to the Buenos Aires territory Javier Milei in the Nation. The reduction of public spending, in the first place, followed by the tax reduction and the elimination of bureaucratic obstacles, among other aspects.
The climax came at the end of October, when Pilar Ramírez, dolphin of Karina Milei and head of the La Libertad Avanza bloc in the Buenos Aires Legislature, presented a simile Law Bases with Buenos Aires characteristics, through which he proposed privatizations, cuts in state structures, tax cuts, a local “RIGI” and the collection of health services for non-residents. The project was referred to seven commissions, but was not discussed due to lack of consensus.
“If you want to talk about savings, shrink the State,” Ramírez had requested in the last few hours, and added: “The GCBA It is full of superfluous positions, we must stop maintaining the jobs of officials who do not improve the square meter of the people of Buenos Aires. Let’s deal with the Basic Law for the City and let’s save seriously,” he demanded.
The Buenos Aires government assures that no one, not even the libertarians, sets their agenda. He recently reiterated it Macri, after announcing a tax reduction for various sectors. “We have just announced a gigantic tax reduction like there is no precedent, in a City that also has fiscal balance. In addition, there will continue to be advertisements of all kinds. Us No one sets the agenda for us, we define itbecause it is what the people of Buenos Aires demand and deserve, but it is also what this historic moment asks of us,” he noted.
Source: Ambito