The total amount of the fine for having the expired fire extinguisher surprised everyone due to its high value. Find out how much it is.
Traffic fines represent not only a financial penalty, but also a mechanism to promote road safety and reduce accidents. However, many of these fines, such as carrying an expired fire extinguisher, generate debates due to their high cost and the perception of injustice in certain cases.
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Traffic fines are calculated based on Fixed Units (UF), whose value is linked to the price of a liter of higher octane gasoline in the jurisdiction where the violation is committed.

One of the most questioned fines is the one imposed for carrying an expired fire extinguisher. This element is required for all vehicles circulating in the country, and must meet certain requirements such as being current, within reach and recharged.

How much is the fine for having the car’s fire extinguisher expired in January 2025
Starting in January, for having the car’s fire extinguisher expired, it was considered to implement a fine ranging from 30 UF to 100, considering that currently the UF has a value of 1,398 pesos, the fine could go from 42 thousand and 140 thousand pesos.
The high amount is explained because an expired fire extinguisher could fail in a critical situation, such as a vehicle fire, endangering the lives of the occupants and third parties.
In addition to the fact that compliance with this standard reinforces the culture of road safetywhere each driver is responsible for keeping their vehicle in optimal condition.
Source: Ambito