The IMF added Federico Sturzenegger as an advisor

The IMF added Federico Sturzenegger as an advisor

The Minister of Deregulation and Transformation of the State, Federico Sturzzenegerwill be a member of the Advisory Council on Entrepreneurship and Growth of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The official received the invitation from the managing director of the organization, Kristalina Georgievato accompany other officials from around the world, businessmen and academics.

The world is waiting for Argentinawhere market-friendly reforms are revitalizing the economy in a way that was previously thought impossible,” said the managing director in an opinion column published in the newspaper Washington Post.

In this context, he stressed: “The world is waiting for Argentina, where market-friendly reforms are revitalizing the economy in a way that was previously thought impossible.” But it is not the only example of the deep interest that the reforms of President Milei’s government generated in the rest of the world. To the already known exchange between the President and the businessman Elon Musk Other governments and academic institutions joined in.

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Federico Sturzenegger with Javier Milei.

In this regard, The minister will be the speaker (virtually next Thursday, January 23) at a seminar organized by the prestigious Princeton Universityunder the title of “The Chainsaw and deregulation: the first year of Javier Milei’s government.” The meeting, organized by the Bendheim Center for Finance, will feature introductory remarks by Markus Brunnermeier, a German economist specialized in economic crises and monetary policy, and assistant at the New York Federal Reserve.

The minister will also speak at the inaugural Carmen Reinhart conference at LACEA and at the AIUIa Conference for Emerging Market Economies, organized by the Ministry of Finance of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the IMF, where various top-level officials and academics will discuss the need for generate channels to strengthen growth in a world with very profound changes. There, Sturzenegger will share a panel on “Navigating trade tensions and uncertainties” with the director general of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Ngozi Okonjo-Iwela, the German Finance Minister, Jörg Kukies, and his counterpart from Morocco, Nadia Fettah, and Danny, dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore.

Kristalina Georgieva confirmed that an IMF team will come to Argentina

Javier Milei met again with Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), on Monday in Washington. The meeting, which took place at the hotel where the Argentine president is staying, lasted 75 minutes. At the end, Georgieva told the Argentine press in the lobby: “We want to move quickly on a new program and present it to the board.” Likewise, he confirmed that a technical mission from the IMF will travel to Buenos Aires next week.

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The head of the IMF highlighted that Argentina has achieved “tremendous progress” and added: “The momentum for new reforms is strong; “This is a good time to give a greater boost to the country’s sails.”

At the meeting, Milei was accompanied by his sister and general secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei; the Minister of Economy, Luis “Toto” Caputo, and the Chancellor Gerardo Werthein.

After the meeting, Javier Milei expressed on his social network

Source: Ambito

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