With this new update, Instagram earned the rejection of users on the social network. What is this due to?
What this new change on Instagram is about.
Social networks are the central means of communication in the world, from children and young people to adults and adults. Within them, instagram It is one of the ones that stands out the most, mainly because of its own style that consists only of photographs, but also because it always adds new details and features for users to experience.
The content you want to access is exclusive to subscribers.
In that sense, the application of Goal made an important modification to its feedwhich caused the immediate reaction of its users. And from now on, all profiles will be viewed in a vertical formatunlike 1:1, the square measure with which the publications were made.

instagram logo

Why Instagram abandoned the 1:1 format and how to adapt to the new change
Instagram went from 1:1 to 3:4 -or vertical- to match the format of Tik Tok. In this way, Mark Zuckerberg’s social network loses its essence but adapts to the standard model of other applications.
There is a reason behind the rise of vertical video; According to recent studies, Users spend 60% more time interacting with content that takes up their entire screen space.
Taking into account the importance of aesthetics within publications, this generated repudiation among users, who had been creating their feed based on initial size. In any case, this can be solved by modifying existing publications in 1:1, rethinking visual strategies -for content creators-, and investing in design tools.
Source: Ambito