This herb with medicinal properties is full of antioxidants and protects memory

This herb with medicinal properties is full of antioxidants and protects memory

This plant native to Asia has been used in medicine for 2,000 years. It is recognized for its benefits for cognitive and vascular health. Learn more about ginkgo biloba.

There is an ancient plant, native to Asiawhich has caught the attention of researchers and fans of cognitive well-beingbecoming a topic of growing interest around the world. He “ginkgo” either “Ginkgo biloba“is a medicinal plant of great relevance in ayurvedic medicinea class of practices originating from India whose goal is to cleanse the body and restore balance between the body, mind and spirit.

With more than 2,000 years of documented medicinal use, ginkgo (its leaves) is primarily recognized for its health benefits, especially in regards to brain function. Specialists claim that it promotes memorystimulates the blood circulationcontributes to the protection of neurons and enhances its functions.

Today, it is grown in various regions of the world and is available in multiple formats such as tablets, infusions and liquid extracts, which makes it easy to use for different purposes related to mental health.

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These are the benefits of ginkgo

He ginkgo bilobarecognized as one of the oldest trees still existing today, has played a fundamental role in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. This unique species has gained popularity around the world thanks to the reported benefits for the cognition, circulation and mental well-being.

This tree is recognized for its properties antioxidants and its health benefits cognitive and vascular. Attracting the attention of researchers, backed by a wide range of scientific studies. For example, the European Medicines Agency validated the use of ginkgo in improving cognitive impairment associated with age, as well as in the treatment of minor circulatory problems.

Its antioxidants are also crucial to protect the body against various diseases. Studies suggest that it could have benefits in managing symptoms related to diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

On the other hand, ginkgo stands out by contributing to the improvement of circulation and tissue oxygenationessential for maintaining healthy skin and brain.

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How to consume ginkgo

This medicinal plant can be consumed in various presentations, such as supplements, tablets or teas. Its dehydrated leaves are used to make infusions that preserve their properties. antioxidants and neuroprotective.

Remember that it is essential to consult a health professional before starting any treatment with supplements, especially if other medications are being used, to avoid adverse effects and ensure safe and effective use.

Source: Ambito

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