This phenomenon is mainly due to the heat wave and the low height of the river, which brings these carnivorous fish closer to the coasts.
The popcorncarnivorous fish similar to piranhas, attacked again on the coast of the riverParaná River, in Santa Fe, where More than 30 people were bitten while swimming in the Setúbal Lagoon.
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This phenomenon is mainly due to the heat wave and the low height of the river, which brings these carnivorous fish closer to the coast.

Attacks are more frequent in times of high temperature and at times of reproduction of the popcornwhich become more aggressive.
Palometa attack in Santa Fe: more than 30 people were injured
Last weekend, 33 bathers needed medical attention for foot injuries, although not seriously. Local authorities recommended avoiding entering the water in unauthorized areas, not swimming with open wounds and avoiding sudden movements.
They close the beach in Misiones due to palometa attacks

In Misiones there was also an attack by palometas.
It was also suggested to stay in a group, since Pomfrets move in schools and can attack together.
To prevent new incidents, the provincial government implemented a red flag as a no-swimming signal in specific areas. In addition, the importance of following the recommendations of lifeguards and avoiding throwing food scraps into the water was emphasized, as this attracts fish.
The phenomenon of pomfret attacks is not new in the region, with a case remembered in 2013 that left more than 70 people injured.
Source: Ambito